
High-Waisted Skirt HIT OR A MISS?

It seems like these old fashion clothes are all coming back! Check out America Ferrera wearing the 40′s style high waisted skirt. No, I am not a fan of high waisted jeans or skirts…they are just not my style, and NOT flattering at all. But, they do accentuate a woman’s curves. After all, I think perfect jeans and skirts shouldn’t be too high or too low. I mean, when it’s too low, the view of the butt crack isn’t too fascinating! Maybe its time to bring back the good ‘ole Levi Red Tabs!

High Waisted Jeans

Here is an example of what I mean when I say “BUTT CRACKS” Tell me what you think of this pair of jeans below:

Japanese Girls In Low Cut Jeans

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