
Textiles and clothing Annual fashion show

One of the entries in the "Collection" category in this spring's student fashion show. Submitted photo.
by Anne Krapfl
This spring's textiles and clothing fashion show will feature about 120 entries, 90 of which will be modeled by Iowa State student models, runway-style. "Pulse, The Rhythm of Fashion" begins at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, April 8, in Stephens Auditorium. Another 30 pieces, including student portfolios and accessory pieces, will be visually displayed in the Stephens foyer. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.
Pulse will include about 75 percent of the entries submitted in this year's student competition. They were created as class assignments and independently. Entries were judged in five categories: evening wear, casual wear, urban wear, experimental (made of non-traditional or recycled materials in an original design) and collection (3-4 pieces). There is a sixth category for all pieces submitted by ISU graduate students.
In addition to the student work, the show will feature collections by two professional designers from New York City. Kristine Eikenbary, head designer for both Flip and Seduis, will showcase her prom dresses and evening gowns. Marck Marcellus, CEO and head designer for The Denim Factory, will bring his collection of urban denim, shirts, and T-shirts.
The show moved from Fisher Theater to Stephens last spring. Student organizers said their goal this year is to sell out Stephens for the single show. Reserved tickets are $20 ($15 for ISU students and children) and available from TicketMaster.

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