
Over the knee boots

What are the latest trends when it comes to winter shoes? Well, you probably must know that those wonderful boots over the knees simply look “tasty” and it`s a must-have in your chose closet! But there are also some cons regarding this models, so let`s have a little discussion regarding these boots.

You must have seen these pairs of boots to pop stars and you said in your mind you have to buy yourself, at least, a pair! Well, very good for you! These boots simply look glossy and are an asset that needs to be in every girl`s closet (a girl that really respects herself)!

The only con relating this trend is that not everyone can fit these boots, you must browse so much for finding a measly pair of boots that suit perfectly your legs! It depends on the construction you have, and it`s difficult to look great in these, because they make your legs shorter! In order to prevent this effect, you must buy a pair of high heeled boots to give the impression of long and thin!

These over the knees boots can be found in different patterns, materials and colors! You can apply for a traditional black, which looks glossy and shiny with some high heels also or for an electrifying color, shiny too that simply makes you like a star! These boots can be simple, with different barrettes on them, shoe laces; different motifs on them and the examples can go on! These can be made of leather, imitation of leather and need to stretch perfectly on the leg, in order to make it look thin and sexy!

With what do you usually wear these types of boots? Certainly with a short piece of clothing, to leave an empty space between the boots and the outfit! You can apply for a short trench suit, a puffy skirt with a nice jacket, a short dress; a deux-piece outfit and the examples can go on!

The basic color that has been seen to be adopted for these boots is black, and definitely black suits perfectly! These make you look great and thin and offer the impression of thin and great aspect! You also must take into consideration the fact that you have at least a medium body size to look great in these boots!

If you're a plumpy person, you`re not going to look that good in them, because the excess of fat you may have on your legs! But it`s not a problem, you can still wear a pair of boots, and under the knees! You will certainly look great!

Try to have high-heeled shoes, when it comes to this model, as mentioned before! And why is that? Because the effect will be guaranteed! You`ll look thin, tall and good looking!

So, ladies if you don`t have yet a pair of boots in your shoe closet, earn some money and go to the mall or wherever and try to buy yourself a pair of over the knee boots!

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